Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dream that is intimidating..

The Law of Karma

Masters of Law of Attraction: Charles Dickens

People say,

"Find good people & leave bad ones."

but it should be,

"find the good in people
& ignore the bad in them."

Because no one is perfect.

The Ladder of Success

The Principle of the Present Moment

The thought came to a certain king that he would never fail if he knew three things. These three things were
  • What is the best time to do each thing?
  • Who are the most important people to work with?
  • What is the most important thing to do at all times?
And this thought having occurred to him, he had it proclaimed throughout his kingdom that he would give a great reward to any one who would teach him what was the right time for every action, and who were the most necessary people, and how he might know what was the most important thing to do.
Many educated men attempted to answer the king's questions, but they all came up with different answers. 

The king decided that he needed to ask a wise hermit in a nearby village. 

The hermit would only see common folk, however, so the king disguised himself as a peasant and left his guards behind to see the hermit. 

The hermit was digging flower beds when the king arrived. 

The king asked his questions, but the hermit went on digging rather laboriously. 

The king offered to dig for him for a while. 

After digging for some time, the king again asked his questions. 

Before the hermit could answer, a man emerged from the woods. 

He was bleeding from a terrible stomach wound. 

The king tended to him, and they stayed the night in the hermit's hut. 

By the next day the wounded man was doing better, but was incredulous at the help he had received. 

The man confessed that he knew who the king was, and that the king had executed his brother and seized his property. 

He had come to kill the king, but the guards wounded him in the stomach. 

The man pledged allegiance to the king, and he went on his way.

The King approached him, and said: "For the last time, I pray you to answer my questions, wise man."
"You have already been answered!" said the hermit, still crouching on his thin legs, and looking up at the King, who stood before him.
"How answered? What do you mean?" asked the King.
"Do you not see," replied the hermit. 
"If you had not pitied my weakness yesterday, and had not dug those beds for me, but had gone your way, that man would have attacked you, and you would have repented of not having stayed with me."
"So the most important time was when you were digging the beds; and I was the most important man; and to do me good was your most important business."
"Afterwards when that man ran to us, the most important time was when you were attending to him, for if you had not bound up his wounds he would have died without having made peace with you. So he was the most important man, and what you did for him was your most important business."
Remember then: There is only one time that is important -- Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else; and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!"

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Your Greatest Power

Prayer for Manifestation of Abundance

From the original Huna Prayer by Djwhal Khul through Guidance From Archangel Michael to Relate to Today's Higher Vibrational Frequencies

Our Direction from Archangel Michael is to work with the Revised prayer for 30 straight days. Say this prayer with deep intensity and with the feeling that these wonderful things are already true in your life today. Pray as
if you have already received these precious abundance graces from the Universe.

My Creator, I AM thankful with all my heart, soul, mind and intent for the divine abundance manifesting through my personal fortune and success. I AM manifesting, receiving, accepting and allowing my divine abundance to completely permeate all parts of my Beingness on all levels, dimensions and throughout all of my aspects within all directions of eternity and infinity.

I AM grateful to you My Beautiful Creator for this blessed prosperity.

I AM moving beyond fear and fulfilling my Divine Blueprint prepared for me, My Creator on Earth and beyond.

I AM open and receiving my financial wealth, success, bounty, abundance, blessings, gifts, and grace. I AM fulfilling my service commitments.

I AM accepting my divine heritage right now and I AM thanking you My Creator for the timely answer to this prayer. I AM so very grateful for the divine bounty. My Creator Your Will Is Done Through Me.

And So It Is

Amen, Amen, Amen, OM

My beloved subconscious mind, I AM hereby lovingly decreeing, commanding and acknowledging that this prayer is heard directly by My Creator and it is sent along with all the manna and vital force asking, manifesting and demonstrating my intent in this prayer.

Amen. And So It Is

My Creator the Rain of Blessings Is Falling On Me and I AM soaking up the abundance that is multiplying one thousand fold throughout all my levels, dimensions and within all aspects of this Beingness throughout all directions of eternity and infinity. This prosperity manifestation is bursting forth with Divine Bounty, Blessings, Gifts, Grace, Wisdom, Truth, Love and Light. I AM thankful and I AM sending you my gratitude.

And So It Is

Breath in this prayer to The Creator through your Crown Chakras, Along with the prayer demonstrate with the arm Mudra by lifting your arms in a cup shape above your head visualize the abundance of blessings, and grace showering down upon you, all around you, and penetrating all parts of you Beingness on all levels dimensions and aspect that you are. Wait ten to fifteen seconds continuing until you have repeated the prayer 3 times and continue this process for a full 30 days.